
Thursday, September 29, 2011

NHL "black-outs" Player's Use of Social Media Game days

Going back to my first post on this blog, I talked about athletes need for training on the use of social media for professional and amateur athletes. The NHL has become the first professional league or organization that will "black-out" the use of social media by players on game day. While the engagement between professional athletes and fans using social media can be a great way to connect, it has become commonplace on news outlets such as ESPN that you here about the controversies that are cause by player posts and tweets.

The NHL has taken their “big-brother” role in a direction that you could see more leagues go in the future. A new NHL has instituted a social media policy that doesn’t completely muffle players, but does have a “total blackout on social media on game days.” The blackout begins at 11 a.m. before the first drop of the puck on game days. Also, the new policy outlines suggestions for “proper use” for players and team personnel.

I feel more leagues will follow suit with this policy as they look to cut back on bad publicity that’s been created by these controversial tweets and posts. When you look at it, do you think is more cost-effective to the teams and the league- to either provide PR training to player’s on the use of social media or to write a policy that guidelines ensures proper use and fine those that don’t fall in line?

To be honest, the constitution gives us freedom of speech and the players shouldn’t be muzzled because their adults, but some of these tweets can “cross the line.” Every player has a voice and an opinion that should be heard, but a lot of times don’t think about the consequences when they hit the send button. Most players are responsible with their use of social media, but what grabs headlines are the ones that don’t. Above I provided a good debate on the subject of players and social media. The program was aired on ESPN’s program “Outside the Lines.”


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